#healing #earth #love #growth #survival #newbeginnings #relationships #masculine #feminine #conservation #simplify #happyending
Would we wire Her, as we do our mouths?
Should Her lungs be stuffed with waste?
Her coral scraped from Her bones; water-boarding Her underwater body.
Would we cut her limb by limb,
shave and cut and shave and cut, down to Her roots?
Her hair burned with bleach; synthetic flames that kill Her flowers and grasses.
The growth of Her dandelion branded as bad by the masses.
Choking Her breath, our breath, with exhaust.
Exhausting all living things.
Could God have instructed it was for Her Brother to heal, teach love, forge forgiveness,
to resurrect?
And could God have said,
She was to create a home for His children?
If Earth was God’s Only Begotten Daughter
And Mother Earth, Gaia, was alive,
Would She too, be sacrificed?
If we read a scripture of her identity, would it change the way we lived in our surroundings?
Would we skin Her alive, and tattoo her with roadways and concrete?
As with Her Brother, would we watch Her bleed?
Life-blood oil drilled and sucked out, leaving Her to blood-let until dry?
Steel crowns erected and piercing for miles and miles.
More people made, but not cared for, and more people buried, side by side.
Crawling in and out, over and under.
Not aware of Her existence, in which we step all over.
More stuff, stuff, stuff,
cutting and packing Her so deep she couldn’t be still any longer?
Would we throw garbage in her face? Would we know better than She?
Would we know better than God’s only daughter?
Could God have instructed Her, that She birth All and would provide everything humans would need?
Could there be scripture that read,
“I have beget one perfect Daughter, who shall not be sacrificed, but will be the Mother of All, and I will give Her the company and protection of the Sun and Moon. The moon holds Her heart, to move Her great waters, so she may have rest. The water, Her pulse, shall run clean. And the Sun’s heat so She might never be too cold, and everyone can grow.”
Is She protecting All but us now?
Harmless animals molested and binged upon with little grace, dignity, or thankfulness in exchange of their life to sustain ours.
Is Mother Earth shaken at the exponential destruction of Herself and our imbalanced selves?
Is no one getting out alive?
Maybe that’s not it at All...
If Mother Earth wanted us gone, she would be rid of us.
If She’s our Mother, and loves us, She means no harm.
We are her children!
Wouldn't she want us to play, explore, stumble, and get back up again? Could it be as simple as: ‘When you’re hurting me, you’re hurting yourself.’ As a wise Mother eventually does, she sets her children free. But before grown, will raise her young with lessons and timeouts. To learn the lesson, to clean up the mess; try to redirect unhealthy, un-humbled behavior. Could She know what She is doing, beyond our understanding?
We might be frustrated, Scared for a moment. Isolated. Maybe ashamed. But we trust Her enough to know that we will be alright. Better than alright. We learn our lessons, slow down, pick carefully what needs to be salvaged from the landfill in our lives. We recycle or release, what no longer serves our soul's purpose. Eliminating our loveless distractions, we search for new, age-old survival,
and in it find joy.
Maybe we find neighbors, and an appreciation for the little things, and big things like freely travelling to see family and friends. We heal, and shed fabricated shells that may have been placed around our hearts.
To return to our true selves, a little bit more each day. Our childhood innocence,
of big dreams and playfulness upon the soil. Pleasure without judgment; we reawaken our potential. To return to the way of love: To give, balanced with receipt. To share, not collect. To help, not hurt. To honor the people in our homes, with renewed reverence and respect. Or finally make the move away from abuse and self-inflicted pain. The rebirth of a new safe space,
to be filled only with love, fun, and worthy hard work. Will She show us the way inward, after we’ve taken our timeout? Touch and hold the rough ridges of bark.
Pause and honor his masculine strength. Trust his purpose, your tree is your protector.
He weathers the storm through all seasons, and will not leave you.
Let him be rooted where he must work. Smell the feminine fragrance of she, Her thorns protect her sacredness, for she is precious, and needs time to blossom, wilt, and blossom again. In her own season, she flows with the moon. She is to be loved, protected by her tree, and given space to be her own beautiful.
In this, she can offer the nectar of creation, and her life purpose.
Her garden will flourish in the company of her Sisterhood. Allow the magnetism of the earth to penetrate your bare feet, grounding you when you feel lost. And the sun to warm your awakening. In that, you will find your true love to be you. Trust your journey, it might seem slow. But She is always with you, offering unconditional signs and guidance. Take notice of all, in every step you take upon
God’s only Begotten, Perfect Daughter.